Benefits Of Wearing Yellow Sapphire Jewelry

Benefits of Wearing Yellow Sapphire Jewelry


Lindsey Hayes

However the word sapphire suggests blue, sapphires are available in various colors and among them the yellow sapphire is regarded a symbol of royalty and purity.

The yellow sapphire, though rarely used, was considered an effective antidote against poisons in the medieval ages in the European countries. It was worn with the royal family as it exuded an aura of wealth and prosperity. It is also known to ward off evil spirits, bad luck and accidents. People wear the yellow sapphire stone as pendants, rings and etc ..

The shades and intensity involving yellow in sapphires is in addition quite variable. The good thing to do when getting two or more stones is to inquire the jeweler or other supplier to \”Match The Stones. \” You might also want to see a sample of the color.


The majority of vendors will send a jeweler a few on \”memo\”, meaning the products are not invoiced or billed for a period. This process allows the customer to find the stones and take or reject. Some jewelers will cost you shipping for this product but those anticipating a sale on the ring, a diamond or two and labor usually get the stones that you see at no cost. Whenever you are shopping for the yellow sapphires, it can be worth asking if they will obtain stones for you to see before making your choice.

Organic or Treated. I am not opening a are able to of worms here, be confident of that. Most colored gems are treated one way or the other to enhance the color nature available. That topaz I mentioned is usually naturally more the more compact blue color of aquamarine until treated by irradiation. Tanzanite is not the lovely electric blue until it\’s heat treated.

Most all rubies and sapphires are heat treated to enhance the color. Heating for a certain temperature and cautiously cooling the stones results in stronger and improved colorations, although masking or driving out unwanted tones. Yellow sapphire is available either totally natural as in the earth or heat treated.

Don\’t consider heat treating a bad thing. This is the standard in the trade for many gems and is the smallest amount intrusive of stone treatments and also the closest to what nature does. Natural stones of the intense color of heat treated stones do exist but command a better price if sold since totally natural gems.

Nonetheless, that price is affected by the availability of that treated stones. I doubt you may even start to sell a natural untreated blue topaz. The color is much too pale than the irradiated ones available and the darker colors are the \”accepted\” color for orange topaz! Orange sapphires are neither consequently common nor nearly so inexpensive as blue topaz. Orange sapphire, no matter whether heat treated or not is an excellent gemstone and the fact that a stone was treated may not affect my purchase an individual bit. The bottom line is what color do you prefer and what can be purchased in that color.

\”Stone Size\”. Keep in mind that I said carat is weight and not size. A carat is just a weight measured for a scale like a gram, an ounce, or pound would be measured. 29 carat, 4mm natural, golden or canary 400-490/carat

Satt Rooplal Owner of Rudraksha Collection, with several years\’ experience in Rudraksha Therapy, Rule Therapy, Yoga Therapy and Aura and Chakra Therapy. Rudraksha Collection was founded in 2001 with a few main objectives: –

To promote Rudraksha for the benefit of the people by removing doubts from them minds about mysteries bordering Rudraksha and making them aware of the properties of this bead before above in our ancient scriptures as well as through scientific and practical using o

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