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Disability Retirement: Whether A Federal Disability Lawyer Or Federal Disability Attorney Is Right For you
There is nothing quite as disheartening as the realization that you can no longer do the job you once did due to some form of physical incapacitation. For many, work represents more than just a place to go during daylight hours. Many people consider their work as an important element of their life that they can take pride in. A person\’s work becomes a part of their identity after enough time, an aspect of their life every bit as fundamental to their personality as their physical appearance or personal habits. For federal employees, this is every bit as much the case as for private sector employees. Even if after a condition, which prevents them from maintaining their old job manifests, they receive work in a light duty or alternative work environment, the loss of their original position may continue to haunt them. However, without the option of returning to their own position and still needing the income provided by their federal jobs, what option is there for them?
The truth is, there is an option which can allow them to maintain an income from the job they can no longer fully perform while opening the option for the employee to explore alternative employment. This option is disability retirement.
Not all disability retirement requires a flashy injury or impressive accident to qualify for. There are a variety of disability retirement options, which merely depend on the employee no longer being able to manage the tasks or work of their previous position. While federal employers often make the effort to find alternative positions for the now incapacitated employee, this doesn\’t necessarily negate the option of disability retirement. There are often options open which merely take a little time and effort to find and apply for. And while it is not strictly necessary, when attempting to navigate the specifics of whether or not an employee qualifies for specific disability retirement options, sometimes a federal disability lawyer might be just the thing needed for a newly disabled employee to know their options.
A federal disability lawyer brings to the table the experience and knows how necessary to navigate the oftentimes-labyrinthine regulations and paperwork that disability retirement might require. A Federal Disability Lawyer consultation can help an employee determine whether or not they qualify for an early retirement package. Moreover there are often varieties of retirement available, and knowing just which program they might qualify for is another aspect that a federal disability lawyer can help with. A good federal disability lawyer might mean the difference between receiving a forty percent or eight percent annuity with retirement. Moreover, a federal disability lawyer can help a confused employee know just what their rights are, before and after their retirement.
While useful, a federal disability attorney isn\’t strictly necessary. If an employee seeking early retirement due to their disability might be able to function without a federal disability attorney to aid them, it just might be that the federal disability attorney would be able to streamline an otherwise confusing process. Whether they decide to use the federal disability attorney or instead decide to due without the federal disability attorney, it is the employee s decision. Nevertheless, a consultation with a federal disability attorney might be able just the impetuous an otherwise uncertain employee needs in order to claim the early disability retirement that they otherwise wouldn\’t be aware was an actual option available to them.
Not all injuries or conditions truly qualify a federal employee for an early retirement option. But if they do, then its up to the employee to seek the help they might need to take advantage of their opportunities.
Harris Federal works with the OPM to ensure that you get the Federal
disability retirement
you deserve. For over twenty year, Our
federal disability attorney
services helping federal workers with their legal issues pertaining to a variety of federal employee rights.
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