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Submitted by: Greg Scott
When you re using freelance sites like Elance, feedback is really important. Before hiring you, clients will look at your samples and also your feedback. Unfortunately, even a half a star difference can be the deciding factor in whether you get a job. That s why it s really important to manage your feedback carefully and watch that you don t get bad marks.
First of all, always do quality work. Even if the client isn t paying you much, they re a little bit difficult, the job s kind of ridiculous, etc. Always be completely professional and always deliver your best work. If you get stuck in a job you hate doing, get it done and do it well; then, if they want to rehire you, tell them you re busy. Never for any reason deliver crap work, because that s a sure way to get bad feedback!
In fact, if you do a little extra to wow your clients, you ll almost always avoid getting a negative rating. What I mean by wow is that you should go just slightly above their expectations. If the job is for 10 articles, throw in an extra one or two. Everybody loves getting something for free and there s a good chance they ll give you five stars and a really nice comment.
The whole feedback system is designed so that they can tell other clients about you (and vice versa). One thing that will improve your relationship with them is staying in touch and always being helpful. Even if they re kind of nagging you with lots of questions and it s a little annoying, always be friendly and helpful. Treat them nice and offer good customer service. Fast reply time is really important, so get back to them quickly when they have questions or comments. When you can always be reached easily, this shows that you re trustworthy and they re more likely to recommend you to other folks.
One thing that always kept negative feedback off of my account is that I always delivered on time. You d be surprised at how many people on sites like Elance have sudden dog deaths, computer breakdowns and other life catastrophes on the day when something is due. Just simply turning stuff in on time (on the due date!) will make you look better than lots of others. If you think you ll run late, they probably won t mind as long as you let them know well in advance.
Finally, give them nice feedback first. As soon as a job is finished, leave a comment saying that they re an excellent client and you d happily work for them again. If they re thinking about giving you negative feedback, this may get them to reconside
There s one more thing Lots of people who use Elance and other freelance sites don t really understand how it works. They may think, This article ghost writer s pretty good and the work s fine; I ll give him/her a 4 stars rating. That means they re good. But if you ve got an overall rating of 5 stars, that s going to knock you down a bit.
Some clients hurt your score without realizing it. They don t know how important it is in getting jobs, or they re not aware of how it affects your overall rating. I have a friend who this happened to, and he kindly explained to the client that even though it was a good rating, it hurt is overall score. He asked if the client wouldn t mind changing it. The client said, I m sorry, I had no idea! and he changed it. It could be worth a try if that happens to you.
About the Author: I write your content so you don t have to >>
. I ve got hundreds of satisfied customers under my belt. This article is copyright 2011 by Greg Scott. Anyone may use this article as long as all links in the article and resource box stay active and the article is not altered.
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