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By Peter Geisheker
You want everything that your child comes in contact with to be the best that it can be. While many people view toys as something that a child merely plays with and has no importance, others understand that play is a way that your child learns. Playtime is an opportunity for a child to learn about the world around them and to act out what they have already learned.
When you see children playing house or other pretend games, you can see what they have learned from watching the interactions in their home. It is important that you take playtime seriously and let your children use their imaginations, creativity and incredibly sponge like brains in a way that works best for them. Playtime is the way that children learn and reinforce what they understand about the world.
Once you understand the importance of playtime, you will begin to wonder what kind of toys to buy for your developing child. There are a few things that you should keep in mind when you are buying toys. The most important rule that you should follow is the age appropriateness rule. Even though you may believe that your child is mature beyond their years, it is vital that you choose toys that are appropriate to their age. If your child is advanced there are other ways that you can stimulate their inquisitive brain and leave the toys age appropriate.
The reasons for the age restrictions on some toys are primarily safety. Even though you believe that your little ray of sunshine would never put the toy in their mouth and choke because they are just too smart for that, they will. Why take the chance? There are other hazards that could be on toys that you had not even though of until it is too late. Take the warnings and the age restrictions seriously to keep your child safe.
It is possible to find toys for an advanced child that is still age appropriate. Look in the toy stores that specialize in these types of toys. Look for toys that give the child an opportunity to learn much more than just how to operate the toy. For instance, a telescope is a great toy for an inquisitive mind. They can learn all about the telescope and how it works, which is fascinating to some children. And once they understand how the telescope works, they can learn about all of the things that the telescope shows them. If you have a child with an insatiable curiosity, and who doesn’t, a toy like this will have to be accompanied with the appropriate materials so that they can satisfy their curiosity about the things that they see. An Internet connection should suffice.
Finally, the best way to determine which toys are going to be used and learned from and which ones are going to be left in the box is to talk to your child. It might be difficult with a younger child, but pay attention to the things that they enjoy. Their unique taste and style will begin to show through in no time at all. For little girls that love to play dress up, you might have a budding fashion designer on your hands. Encourage it and give her a trunk of flamboyant clothes that you put together just for her. Costume shops and thrift stores are great for this type of toy. Use your creativity and think outside of the packaged toys that are in the stores and you will find some great toys for your child.
About the Author: Peter Geisheker is the CEO of The Geisheker Group
marketing company
. Peter develops and implements strategic marketing programs for businesses including educational learning toys and
early childhood education
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