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Submitted by: Mike Lang
Music is one of the most beautiful versions of art that there is. It is truly an expression of one’s feelings and talent.
It is great to teach your child about music on the early stages of their lives. You can teach them to play the piano, the violin, the drums and the clarinet. You can even teach them how to sing. Kids tend to be like sponges when their young. They will absorb just about anything that you teach to them. So ask your child if whether he or she is interested in acquiring a musical skill. If your daughter or son comes up jumping with joy with a wide grin on their face — it s a clear indication for you to create their music room.
A music room is basically a room where your child can and will hone their new musical talent. Whether it is playing an instrument or reaching to high notes, your child has to be inspired as he or she inhabitate the room. It simply has to be filled with energy and enthusiasm — from the walls, doors and to the floor. And with that said, here are a few pointers to help you create an exciting music room for your little musical artist.
1. Don’t use bright colors for your walls. Bright colors tend to distract and remove concentration. Think gracefulness. Think rhythm. Choose colors that are in between dark and subtle. Use colors like old rose, lavender and powder blue. This will deliver sense calmness into the room.
Another great idea is to use the combination of black and red for a more contemporaneous look. This is advisable if you want a hint of class and extravagance.
2. Put big mirrors on your wall too. A lot of ballet studios do this. This helps them monitor their moves and their improvements. This will do the same thing for your child. This is also great if you want your child to perform to an audience someday. These mirrors will help remove the shyness away from your child.
3. Inspire your little musician. Post posters or pictures of famous musicians on the walls. This will give her the indication that he or she can someday be like them too. If your child already has a musical idol, put his or her picture on the wall.
4. Don’t put a clock in the room. Don’t time your child while she’s practicing. Clocks tend to be distractions.
5. Purchase a knick knack that has something to do with music. A figurine band or any design material with musical notes on them will do.
6. Paste a goal chart on the wall. As you set goals towards your child in school, do so in his or her music training. This will allow your child to grow as a musician by pushing her to become better every day.
7. Built in a little platform in the room where your child can perform on. Schedule a weekly or a monthly recital for her to boast her new acquired talent. You can have the whole family watch. You can also invite friends over. This will inspire your child to thrive harder each and every day. This will give him or her something to look forward to.
A child, in his or her early years is the best time to absorb every bit that life has to offer. Why not initiate a musical career by creating a beautiful music room in the comfort of your own home? You will be amazed on how your child copes up with this new endeavor.
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