Will Masai Barefoot Technology Shoes Make Your Fitness Walking More Efficient?
Beatrice Stephenson
Even though the Masai Barefoot Technology Shoes shoe has been out there for fifteen years already, it’s these last years that it has become a well known training gadget.
So, what is really a MBT sport shoe about? Can it improve posture, eliminate cellulites, and even help control diabetes, like they claim it can?
Many researches have been done on the shoe and it sure seem like the medical advantages of Masai Barefoot Technology Shoes are proven. It’s used as a recovering device among physicians, often used for rehab by sports men and women suffering from muscle traumas. When using the Masai sport shoe, you use muscles that you don’t use when walking in regular sneakers, so because of that, your body will get more toned if you use them every day.
Invented by the engineer Karl Muller, who himself suffered from severe back pain for several years, the shoe makes your foot make the same movement it would when walking on a soft surface, like sand.
When Karl Muller started to develop the shoe, he took inspiration from the African Masais tribe, that are known for their strong bodies and upright postures. Even if they are walking long distances they don’t suffer from any back pain. Muller researched this factor, and from that study he developed the MBT shoe.
When trying them on at first, it does feel a bit wiggly, until you get used walking with them. Before walking long walks with them, get used to them bit by bit, because you can get quite sore muscles if you don’t take it quite easy at first.
You will walk more upright, strengthens the stomach muscles, improving your posture. That’s very beneficial for those with back and neck pain.
Want to know more about MBT shoes and the benefits of walking? Sign up for a free e-mail course on fitness walking or just take a look around around:
Read more about cellulite shoes here
Beatrice Stephenson is a freelance writer on health and recreation issues. She runs the sites Tatoos and other cool stuff I love
Jeans and fashion
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Will Masai Barefoot Technology Shoes Make Your Fitness Walking More Efficient?